
Events To Aid Your personal and Professional Development

We deliver free conferences and exhibitions so that you can invest in your own development, and start conversations with specialists who can positively impact your organisation.

Our Next Event:


Thursday, 28th September  |  PPL Training York Campus  Y026 6BL

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Upcoming Events

AGL Compliance Workshop

A 1 day conference and exhibition event geared towards addressing recent changes in Aeronautical Ground Lighting technical guidance, and facilitating discussions around best practice.

To be held in York, at the PPL Training York Campus, on Thursday, 28th September 2023.

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Recent Events

During 2022 and 2023, PPL Training has hosted events organised and delivered by the PPL Digital team. How did we do?

Fire Safety Conference: York

Our first ever conference and exhibition event, held in York, at our purpose built Fire Safety training facility. The focus was 'Effective Management of Fire Safety' with 2 consecutive 1 day events. The first covered Fire Safety in Commercial Properties, and the second, Fire Safety in Healthcare Premises.

Read The Reviews
Fire Safety Conference: Slough

Our follow up Fire Safety conference and exhibition, held in Slough, at our recently completed Fire Safety training facility. The facility and the event directly mirrored York, with focus on Commercial and Healthcare buildings. This event included an extended practical facility tour and more demonstrations.

Watch The Video

Recognised Speakers

Knowledgeable and experienced professionals with interesting stories, enlightening perspectives and most importantly, authority to speak on their chosen subject. That's the type of speaker you can expect at our events. Learn from respected figures within your industry, and continue your own professional development.

Speaker Profiles

Specialist Exhibitors

Trusted and celebrated companies, whom provide valuable products and services relevant to your industry. Whether we're delivering events for Fire Safety professionals, Airfield technicians or another specialism within engineering or estates management, we always aim to bring businesses together who can help you to improve your own organisation.

Exhibitor Directory

The Benefits of our events

Free To Attend

Our events provide amazing value for you and our exhibitors. Simply fill in a short online form and you're all set!

Recognised Certification

We ensure that you receive recognition from third party accreditation services for your time and investment.

Networking Opportunities

Across all of the PPL companies, we work with some incredibly talented and knowledgable individuals. Meet them!

Register to attend our next event

You can fill in a simple online form to secure your place at our upcoming event:
AGL Compliance Workshop | PPL Training, York Campus | Thursday, 28th September.

Registration closes at 17:00 on Thursday, 21st September 2023.
Spaces are limited, so if you are interested, please sign up today!

Register for FREE Today